La Caravan
Bootcamp Project, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Fullstack
Throughout my work on La Caravan, I have been dedicated to creating a platform for renting caravans. The repository contains code and resources for building a web application that connects caravan owners and potential renters.
La Caravan is an Airbnb clone created by a team from Batch 873 of Le Wagon's Full Stack Web Development part time bootcamp.
In my contributions to the project, I have focused on developing features such as user registration, caravan listing, search functionality, booking management, and user reviews. These features aim to provide a seamless experience for both caravan owners and renters, facilitating efficient transactions and ensuring a positive user experience.
The repository showcases well-organized and structured code, making it easy for fellow developers to understand and contribute to the project. I have also provided comprehensive documentation and guidelines to assist contributors in setting up the application and making meaningful contributions.
Overall, my work serves as a foundation for building a robust caravan rental platform. I am excited about the opportunity to connect caravan owners with potential renters, enabling them to create memorable and enjoyable vacations.